Make a kneaded butter with Candia Professional Extra Tourage butter and flour n°1. Let cool in the refrigerator for 1hour.
Make the dough with the rest of the ingredients without kneading the dough too long. Let rest at a cool temperature for 1 hour. Place the dough over one half of the kneaded butter. Fold the other half of the kneaded butter over it.
Pinch the end together to seal the dough inside the kneaded butter. Roll out the dough lengthwise three times longer than wide, having a perfect squared angle.
Make a double fold. Set aside in the fridge. Make a double fold again. Let set in the fridge 1 hour. Make a simple fold. Let set in the fridge and make the last simple fold. Roll out the dough to 2mm thick and let rest in the fridge until you need it.
Bake at 180°C for 15 min between two baking sheets. Cut the dough and bake 10 min more. Then spread icing sugar on top and bake 2 min at 230°C.
Vanilla Pain de Gênes
Mix the almond paste with the eggs.
Add the rice flour, the corn flour, the melted Candia Professional Extra Taste butter, the raisin oil and the vanilla bean.
Mix and spread into a flexipat mould (55/36cm) of 2cm high. Bake at 175°C for 15min.
Coffee Syrup
In a saucepan, cook the water with the sugar, the coffee powder and the cup of coffee.
Chocolate and Almond Crunchy
At 170°C, roast the crushed almond for 12 min. Let cool down, then add the chocolate melted with the pure almond paste.
Spread directly on top of the Pain de Gênes.
Vanilla and Coffee Crémeux
In a saucepan, cook the Candia Professional Whipping cream with the milk and the egg yolk into a “crème anglaise”.
Pour over the coffee powder and the gelatine mass. With the milk chocolate make an emulsion.
Vanilla Ganache
Heat the 300g of Candia Professional Whipping Cream. Pour over the white chocolate and create an emulsion.
Add the gelatine mass then the rose water and the 700g of cream. Mix and strain. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
With the whip of an electric mixer, slowly beat the ganache to reach a Chantilly consistency.
Chocolate Glaze
In a saucepan, cook the water, the sugar, the glucose syrup to 103°C.
Pour over the condensed milk and gelatine mass. Mix and pour over the chocolate. Mix and set in the fridge overnight.
Use the glaze around 38°C.
Heat the syrup at 70°C and soak the Pain de Gênes. Spread the fıne layers of almond chocolate and add the “cremeux” on top. Let set in the freezer.
Cut as the right size according to the mould. Whip the vanilla ganache. Pipe half mould and add the insert. Place the puff pastry dough, cut as a rectangle.
Freeze, unmould and glaze with the chocolate glaze at 38°C.
Decorate the base with chocolate decoration. Pipe the top with the ganache and add a fıne milk chocolate decoration.
A complete range of
technical French cream, butter and cream cheese
Reliability and high quality is what makes our range so easy-to-use. Sculpting your fabulous ideas becomes a piece of cake !