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#1 French Dairy cooperative

With over 20,000 member-owners including 12,541 dairy farms located all over France, and 9,100 employees, SODIAAL is the #1 French dairy cooperative.

Since its creation over 50 years ago, SODIAAL has become one of the major global dairy companies thanks to its unique strengths:


– milk availability: 4.71 billion liters of milk collected each year

– industrial capacity with 70 industrial sites

– quality, traceability and sustainability supported by La Route du Lait

– French origin: French milk collected in various dairy regions

– Renowned and innovative brands in our 4 fields of expertise: retail, food service, specialized nutrition and dairy ingredients

– International presence in over 80 countries


But what really makes SODIAAL unique is the values we share and which make our promise come true: we are committed to nourish people in a better way.


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