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Kouign Amann

Johanna le Pape

By Johanna le Pape



  • Water 350g
  • Salt 12g
  • Candia Professionnel Brittany Puff Pastry Butter 20g
  • Yeast 10g
  • Flour T45 400g
  • Buckweat flour 150g
  • Sugar 450g

Apple Compote

  • Apple 500g
  • Water 100g
  • Vanilla 1


  • Mix the yeast with the water, add the two flours, the sugar, the salt, the Candia Professionnel Britanny Puff Pastry Butter and knead lightly.
    Let rest for 30min in the fridge at 4°C.
  • Incorporate Candia Professionnel Britanny Puff Pastry Butter and fold with 2 simple turn. Let rest 30 min in the fridge.
  • Fold with 1 simple turn. Let rest in the fridge.
  • Incorporate the sugar in the last simple fold. Let rest for 30 min in the fridge.
  • Roll the batter at 1cm thickness. Brush the mold with butter, then add the sugar.
  • Cut the kouign-amann dough as the size of the mold 2 times.
  • Place the base in the mold, add the apple compote in the center and replace the 2nd dough on top.
  • Let rise for 1hour at 30°C. Bake at 180°C.

Apple Compote

  • Wash, peel and cut the apple into a piece.
  • In a pot, heat the water, add the apple and the vanilla bean. Heat at medium heat with a lid. Cook until it becomes a compote texture.
  • Use the half quantity by filling the mold and keep the other part to file the kouign-amann.

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