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Pop-up Store La crèmerie in Shanghai

From 15 to 17 November 2019, come and discover our first pop-up store at “LA CREMERIE” (法酪小屋), open to general public, to be held at the CNIEL Flagship store in Shangai.

This place, transformed into a modern French café for the occasion, take you into the world of Candia Professional brand, with a complete range of technical and French products, creative recipes and the presence of our chef ambassador Johanna Le Pape, World Champion of Pastry.


Its table sets and its typically French decoration will plunge you into the stylish French Lifestyle in the heart of Shanghai.

Inside, come and try our co-created exclusive recipes with our Chief ambassador Johanna Le Pape using all of our products.

Among the choices, you can discover:
– Hot and cold drinks with gourmet toppings developped with our cream cheese, whipping cream or butter.
– Delicious eclairs with multiple fall flavours developped with our technical Candia Professional butter.

If you like the recipes, our full range of Candia Professional product is available for sale.

With these original ingredients, you can recreate all the recipes that are available on our website, in the tab "inspire our creativity".

We are expecting many of you !

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