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Rose Sakura

Johanna le Pape

By Johanna le Pape


Puff pastry dough

  • Candia Professional Brittany Puff Pastry Butter 600g
  • Flour T55 225g
  • Flour T55 375g
  • Salt 15g
  • Candia Professional Extra Taste Butter 75g
  • Water 190g

Vanilla Pain de Gênes

  • Almond paste 165g
  • Eggs 90g
  • Rice flour 11g
  • Corn starch 20g
  • Candia Professional Extra Taste Butter 14g
  • Grape-seed oil 28g

Sakura infusion

  • Sakura flower 10g
  • Water 200g

Apple-rose flower confit

  • Green Apple juice 180g
  • Lemon juice 12g
  • Sugar 45g
  • Rose flower 20g
  • Apple brunoise 60g
  • Gomme de guar 2g

Sakura ganache

  • Candia Professional Whipping Cream 100g
  • Sakura flower 10g
  • Gelatine mass 10g
  • White chocolate 50g
  • Candia Professional Whipping Cream 250g

Red spray

  • Cacao butter 450g
  • Red food coloring 4,5g

Puff pastry dough

  • Make a kneaded butter with Candia Professional Brittany Puff Pastry Butter and flour 1. Let cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Make the dough with the rest of the ingredients not kneading the dough for too long. Let rest at a cool temperature for 1 hour.
  • Place the dough over one half of the kneaded butter. Fold the other half of the kneaded butter over it.
  • Pinch the ends together to seal the dough inside the kneaded butter. Roll out the dough lengthwise three times longer than width, having a perfect squared angle.
  • Make a double fold. Set aside in the fridge. Make a double fold again. Let set in the fridge for 1 hour. Make a simple fold. Let set in the fridge and make the last simple fold. Roll out the dough to 2 mm thick and let rest in the fridge until you need it.
  • Bake at 180°C for 15 min between two baking sheets. Cut the dough and bake 10 min more. Then spread icing sugar on top and bake 2 min at 230°C.

Vanilla Pain de Gênes

  • Mix the almond paste with the eggs.
  • Add the rice flour, the corn flour, the melted butter, the grape-seed oil and the vanilla.
  • Mix and spread into a flexipat mould of 1 cm high. Bake at 175°C for 15 min.

Sakura infusion

  • In a bowl, add the water and the flower. Cover and leave 24 hours in the fridge.

Apple-rose flower confit

  • Heat the green apple and the lemon juices. Mix the sugar and the guar. Bring to boil.
  • Once refrigerated, mix the jelly and add the rose flower and then the apple brunoise.
  • Fill the insert. Freeze.

Sakura ganache

  • In a pot, heat 100g of Candia Professional Whipping Cream. Out of the heat let infuse the Sakura flower for 2 hours.
  • Remove the flower, heat again. Add the gelatine mass.
  • Pour over the white chocolate and create an emulsion.
  • Add 250g of Candia Professional Whipping Cream.
  • Mix and strain. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • With the whip of an electric mixer, slowly beat the ganache to reach a Chantilly consistency.

Red spray

  • Heat the cacao butter. Add the chocolate red powder.
  • Mix and use at 40°C.


  • Bake the pain de gênes. Let it cool and soak it with the Sakura infusion.
  • Whip the Sakura ganache.
  • In a spheric mould, pipe 1/3 of ganache. With a spatula, spread onto the straight edge.
  • Add the pain de genes, then the apple insert. Finish to fill with the ganache and freeze it. Unmould, pipe the sakura ganache on top.
  • Freeze again. Spray with the red chocolate and lay on the puff pastry dough.

A complete range of technical French cream, butter and cream cheese

Reliability and high quality is what makes our range so easy-to-use. Sculpting your fabulous ideas becomes a piece of cake !


Premium quality incorporation butter made with 100% French dairy cream, for extraordinary buttery recipes.


Specially designed to highly perform when whipped, Candia Professional Whipping Cream is perfect for pastry Chefs.


Technical puff pastry butter made in Brittany, with high plasticity to make the best puff pastries.