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RollCake Orange Cream Cheese

Jean-Thomas Schneider

By Jean-Thomas Schneider


Shortcrust pastry

  • Extra Taste Butter Candia Professional 215g
  • Powdered sugar 135g
  • Salt 2g
  • Ground almonds 45g
  • Eggs 70g
  • Strong white flour (Type 45) 360g

Orange Cream Cheese Crémeux

  • Cream Cheese Candia Professional 600g
  • Glucose syrup de 40 pastry 150g
  • Whipping Cream Candia Professional 300g
  • Grated orange peel 10g

Choux Pastry Sponge

  • Milk 3,6% FAT 420g
  • Extra Taste Butter Candia Professional 210g
  • Inverted sugar 120g
  • Flour 55 240g
  • Egg yolks 510g
  • Egg 210g
  • Egg whites 510g
  • Caster sugar 210g

Orange syrup

  • Orange juice 600g
  • Inverted Sugar 150g

Orange Crémeux

  • Orange juice 600g
  • Egg yolks 60g
  • Egg 60g
  • Caster sugar 120g
  • Maize starch 60g
  • Extra Taste Butter Candia Professional 90g

Shortcrust pastry

1.Mix the Extra Taste Butter Candia Professional, the powdered sugar, the salt and the ground almonds.
2.Add the egg and the strong white flour. Roll out.
3. Bake at 150° for 30mn.


Orange Cream Cheese Crémeux

1. Smooth Cream Cheese Candia Professional with the glucose syrup and the orange grated peel.
2. Add gently Whipping Cream Candia Professional. Whip gently.
3. Spread out 600gr per 60X40 tray. And keep 400g for decoration piping.


Choux Pastry Sponge

1. Bring to the boil the Extra Taste Butter Candia Professional, the inverted sugar and the milk. Out of the heat, add progressively the flour, the egg yolk and the egg.
2. Whip the eggs white with the caster sugar. And mix the two preparations.
3. Spread 800gr in a 60X40 tray. And bake at 170° for 7mn.


Orange syrup

1. Mix together the orange juice, the water and the inverted sugar.
2. Spread 350g per 60X40cm sponge tray.


Orange crémeux

1. Mix together the caster sugar and the maize starch. And then mix with the orange juice, the egg yolks, and the egg. Boil the mixture.
2. Add progressively the Candia Professional Extra Taste Butter and blend.
3. Spread out 300g per 60X40cm cream cheese orange crémeux frame.

A complete range of technical French cream, butter and cream cheese

Reliability and high-quality are what makes our range so easy-to-use. Sculpting your fabulous ideas becomes a piece of cake !


Premium quality incorporation butter made with 100% French dairy cream, for extraordinary buttery recipes.


Specially designed to highly perform when whipped, Candia Professional Whipping Cream is perfect for pastry Chefs.