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Candia Professional trains the talents of tomorrow and encourages their creativity.

Whether offering unique demonstrations (highlighting the technical features of our products and explaining the key benefits of the range) or presenting masterclasses (inspiring creativity and giving advices), the chefs meet their colleagues to exchange ideas, learn from each other or give each other advices. These are values that are dear to Candia Professional and have guided the brand’s development since its foundation.

Created by and for professionals, the Candia Professional brand adapts to all cultural specificities for endless creation.

Some examples...

From Middle East to Asia, our pool is making a name for itself on every continent. In May, François Galtier gave an extraordinary masterclass in Dubai, with no fewer than 8 different recipes based on our flagship product: Brittany Puff Pastry Butter, while his counterpart Wei Loon Tan travelled to South Korea earlier in the year to make Danish pastries featuring our best-seller: Signature Whipping Cream.

In the coming months...

The pool of chefs will continue to come up with remarkable creations… and trust us, the performance will be worth the trip!

Follow us Instagram for more adventures!

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